Friday, November 19

Generally A Grumpy Guss:

So the husband I and I went and saw Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1, last night at 12:20am. Now he has slept for four hours prior to the movie woke up to McDonald's on his night stand, and generally just had a easy time. I woke up at 930am yesterday morning.I had been doing things all around the house, and had been fighting a major headache that wanted to launch itself into migraine territory. By the time he came home to take his nap before the movie, I had almost called it quits. But I perservered and we went, and it was incredible. Seriously. Anyway, well he decided that after the movie he just wanted me to take him to work because he was afraid that if he were to go home and go to sleep he would miss his 630am muster. So alas after trying tirelessly to get him to see reason, we ended up taking him to work. Well after getting there, and driving back, I got home roughly around 530am. I want to shoot myself for that. Anyways, I got home, took trash out, (which was a mindblowing chore when your body is telling you that you are one stupid S.O.B. let me tell ya.) walked up the stairs and passed out. I forgot to not turn off my alarm and alas the damn thing went off at 730am. So here I am, wide wake, (probably because I had had half a Double Shot Espresso to stay awake for the ride home earlier. And having tried and failed to go back to sleep, I decided to get up and tidy up the house. Noon came around and I got a package from my Uncle with some clothing that he had had of mine from a year and a half ago when I got out of BootCamp. After opening everything, and seeing that I didn't fit in my Jeans anymore, I decided to take it happily and go work out and try to get back in the good shape I was in forever-not-so-long-ago. I went to the gym down the block and worked out for roughly an hour and twenty minutes, and then decided that I would continue with my self imposed teaching/learning thing that I'm doing right now, so that I don't become some doltish moron when I do eventually go back to college. So thus I end up at Borders and study until 345ish, I leave come home, decide to go ahead and do the kitty litter and just as I lug the big heavy thing up the steps and through the threshold my husband calls and wants me to come pick him up. I do, and arrive an hour later after copious amounts of needless traffic, and start the return journey, now I don't know if it's just that I respect my husband so much that it makes me nervous when he's in the car or if I just go stupid but I always drive brilliantly when I'm alone and like a complete maniac when he's with me. After nearly dying three times we get home and he passes out, but now I'm on a tangent and want to fold all the laundry and clean up the bedroom and clean up the living room, and clean up in the kitchen, and oh it's been three hours since husband fell asleep maybe he would like some dinner, so let me make some spaghetti. To which after it's made, (and its truly one of the best times I've made it), he freaks out at the sight of it, turns over and goes back to sleep. And here I am roughly 2 hours under my belt for sleep in the last 26 hours, and I still don't want to go to sleep yet because now I might as well wait until 10 and then sleep like a log/baby, through till morning. So there... that explains why I am a sure fire grumpy guss tonight. The End.


Jeni said...

I'd love to say I've never been through a similar situation...too bad I can't. :(

Jude said...

Oh! I'm sure, it's just frustrating ya know? And anyways you just made me super happy, you are my first comment on this thing! :D