Monday, November 15

A Game of Chase.

It's like playing a game of cat and mouse. Life can be both reward and terrifying, with it's twists, turns, and unexpected windfalls and pitfalls. But it is almost always fun, exciting, and full of effort and vibrant colors, full of people, and cute sounds, full of laughter and tears. On the very last day of 2009 I got married to the man that I love. It was almost as though we had been destined to be married. He fit "the list", and I, well I blew his world. And here I am, almost a year into it. And I'm just learning that it is going to be a cycle of yes dear, and no dear, and where did you put the toilet paper honey? I'm so madly in love. And I'm so madly frustrated. I think it should be in conversations that mothers have with their daughters, "Baby girl, when you get married, remember to pack your patience, because that will be the first thing to be tried and left behind." But nope, we go into it blind with love, happy with commitment, and buoyed by tons of sex. So the moral of this first post of many... Try on your patience ladies, find the perfect fit, wear it everyday until it becomes your second skin, and then slap yourself silly if you think it will be enough when it comes to the man you love, who will boggle your mind, and frazzle your nerves.